Write-ability to help people with disability explore the written word

Published on 03 May 2019


Council is about to introduce an eight-month program aimed at providing people with disability in our region with opportunities to express themselves through writing.

Write-ability is based around a series of monthly workshops, overseen by a local writing mentor.

It’s suitable for any writer with disability, as well as their family and support workers, and is aimed at developing their skills and providing a creative outlet to express themselves.

Councillor for Community Development and Gender Equality Helen Healy said the group would meet on a monthly basis from June this year until February 2020.

The initiative will be officially launched in Mildura with a forum on Friday 17 May called ‘Own Voices: Why Writing Matters’, with feature writers Andy Jackson and Heidi Everett.

The forum will include an explanation about the Write-ability program as well as a writing workshop by Heidi. It will get under way from 10am and be held at the Benetook Room of the Alfred Deakin Centre.

“Writing is a fantastic way to communicate – whether it be expressing what you’re feeling or thinking, or as a medium to explore your creative side through story-telling,” Cr Healy said.

Write-ability is a way to ensure these valuable opportunities are available to as many people as possible in our region, including people with disability.”

Cr Healy said the local writing mentor would be on hand to provide information, advice and guidance throughout the program.

Workshops will be held on Wednesdays from 19 June. Each session will run from 11am to 1pm.

For more information or to enrol in the program contact Council’s Rural Access Worker Jeni Snadden on (03) 5018 8100.

Details are also available by visiting https://writersvictoria.org.au/calendars/events and searching for ‘write-ability.



Media enquiries 
Ben Piscioneri
p) (03) 5018 8689 
e) ben.piscioneri@mildura.vic.gov.au


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